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    Thursday, March 14, 2013

    Wo Jiu Shi Random Queen!

    Prelims is finally over!!! Nothing to rejoice about cause i totally didn't take it v.seriously.
    Was just bluffing my way through. Of 5 papers, I've only taken 3? Which is kinda..BAD? But i guess there's lotsa peeps out there who take none of their papers. So considering that, i'm not that bad after all right? teeheeex! :D

    Ok so prelims aside!

    Was browsing through my iPhotos and came to realise i've got lotsssss of videos!! Videos as in those that i've filmed myself..raw..unedited during my trips/vacations and random days! Laughed quite abit while watching them. It was so silly and LOL! And i realised we've all grown and changed so much? Really quite incredible! hahahah! And so besides watching them, i've decided to edit them and make them into a "proper"/"enjoyable" video. I've always edited my videos since sec sch/jc days. Just on and off every now and then depending on my mood. And editing using Windows Movie Maker to iMovie. And i must say...iMovie is really soososoososo much more pleasant to use! It's just too user-friendly. For a moment, i'm thinking why didn't i study "mass media" instead. Hahs! (On the other day, i was tweeting why i didn't study engineering instead. Cause if i did, i could be a car mechanic!!! Yayaya! I'm just simply uber random and fickle like that!)

    So back to the video editing part...Spend quite some time in the afternoon to edit them. This time i edited my bangkok trip videos back in 2011 with Alverina! hahahah! It was so much fun then! And it's only for day 2! Day 1 video was edited back in 2011 though! Hahaha! So u much time lag there is! But i still managed to edit them...soooo...{pats on my back} :D

    And sth will be missing without theseeeee.........

    Right?? hahahha! Some camwhore to end the post. (abruptly)
    And a "gif"t for u~~ HWahahah!
    (will upload my edited video once i post it up to youtube~)

    gif make

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